
This Argentine born in Buenos Aires devoted her time between successful engineering studies and the practice of classical dance. She took tango classes in Buenos Aires but could not find a suitable partner at the time. She immigrated to France in 2002 during the Argentinean crisis. She meets Thierry, convinces him to dance tango and since then they are not stopped any more to dance.
She has a degree in Tango History from the University of Buenos Aires and lectures on tango around the world. She brings to her classes the Argentinean cultural dimension and the feminine touch. With Thierry, Denise is a member of the International Dance Committee CID UNESCO but also of the AMBCTA of Buenos Aires (Asociación de maestros, bailarines y coreógrafos de Tango). Together, they have been teaching regularly for over 15 years in courses in France and Europe. They are creator of the concept and website


This Frenchman is basically a physical education teacher and has had an international career in fitness (European champion in artistic aerobics, then choreographer for the French team). He discovers the Argentinean tango "for love" thanks to Denise and succumbs to this second stroke of lightning for the tango. His university training and his experience in the pedagogy of groups in sport serve him in his teaching of tango. Thierry worked as a choreographer and tango dancer for the french TV.
With Denise, Thierry is a member of the International Dance Committee CID UNESCO but also of the AMBCTA of Buenos Aires (Asociación de maestros, bailarines y coreógrafos de Tango). Together, they have been teaching regularly for over 15 years in courses in France and Europe. They are creator of the concept and website

Their teaching

This Franco-Argentinean couple teaches an elegant and fluid Tango in osmosis with the music (Social Tango and Neo Tango). Their strong point is pedagogy and teaching, they manage to bring their students to dance at an excellent level. Their pedagogy is structured, progressive and effective. They teach tango, milonga, tango waltz and NeoTango.
They regularly participate in exhibitions in France, Europe and Argentina.

To contact us: or phone: +336 98 84 91 05